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The Ultimate Wedding Gift

The Ultimate Wedding Gift

The Ultimate Wedding Gift

Photos are gifts that keep on giving. When you look at a photo, you’re transported back to that moment. Back to that event. Back to the fun.

And Tickled Photo Booth is fun  – can’t feel your face because you’re smiling so hard because you’re having that much fun – fun.

The Ultimate Wedding Gift       The Ultimate Wedding Gift

A photo booth is its own party at your party. It’s the capturer of unselfconscious good times. It’s a creator of memorable mustache moments. Now consider if you were one of the people responsible for this level of awesome at your friend’s wedding. Here’s a few more perks just in case you aren’t fully convinced yet.

The Ultimate Wedding Gift

Bring the Life to the Party

Photo booths create lasting memories for the bride and groom and everyone  that attends their wedding. The photos will take the couple back to the blast that was the very beginning of their wedded bliss. Lastly, photo booths are fun for everyone from the flower girl to the great grandpa.

The Ultimate Wedding Gift

Book with Friends

While gifting a photo booth service might not be a reasonable gift for an individual to give (Or is? Hey, big spender!), it also makes an amazing shared gift. So if you have friends getting married, consider getting together with a few others and gifting them with the awesome gift of Tickled Photo Booth for their wedding reception. You definitely won’t regret it and they’ll love it.

The Ultimate Wedding Gift

And if YOU’RE getting married and are having a hard time fitting a photo booth into your budget, then why not hint to your friends and family that Tickled Photo Booth would make the perfect gift?